Jesus Stands Trial Before Pilate (Day 63)

Read Mark 15:1-5
   Why did the Jewish leaders send Jesus to Pilate, the Roman governor? The Romans had taken away the Jews’ right to inflict capital punishment; so in order for Jesus to be condemned to death, He had to be sentenced by a Roman leader. The Jewish leaders wanted Jesus executed on a cross, a method of death that they believed brought a curse from God (Deuteronomy 21). They hoped to pursue the people that Jesus was cursed, not blessed by God. 
   The Jewish leaders had to fabricate new accusations against Jesus when they brought Him before Pilate. The charge of blasphemy would mean nothing to the Roman governor, so they accused Jesus of three other crimes: 1) encouraging the people to not pay their taxes to Rome, 2) claiming He was a king: the king of the Jews, and 3) causing riots all over the countryside. Tax-evasion, treason, and terrorism: all these would be cause for Pilate’s concern.
   Why didn’t Jesus answer Pilate’s question? It would have been futile to answer, and the time had come to give His life to save the world. Jesus had no reason to try to prolong the trial or save Himself. His was the ultimate example of self-assurance and peace, which no ordinary criminal could imitate. Nothing would stop Him from completing the work He had come to earth to do (Isaiah 53).