Paul Gives Thanks to God (Day 2)

Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
   In this letter, Paul wrote some strong words to the Corinthians, but he began on a positive note of thanksgiving. He affirmed their privilege of belonging to the Lord and receiving His generous gifts: the power to speak out for Him and understand His truth. When we must correct others, it helps to begin by affirming what God has already accomplished in them. 
   The Corinthian church members had all the spiritual gifts they needed to live the Christian life, to witness for Christ, and to stand against the paganism and immorality of Corinth. But instead of using what God had given them, they were arguing over which gifts were more important. 
   Paul guaranteed the Corinthian believers that God would consider them free from all blame when Christ returns (Ephesians 1). This guarantee was not because of their great gifts or their shining performance, but because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for them through His death and resurrection. All who have received the Lord Jesus as their Savior will be considered blameless when He returns (1 Thessalonians 3; Hebrews 9). If you have faith in Christ, even if it is weak, you are and will be saved.