Paul’s Final Instructions (Day 25)

Read 1 Corinthians 16:1-18
   The Christians in Jerusalem were suffering from poverty and famine, so Paul was collecting money for them (Romans 15; 2 Corinthians 8 and 9). He suggested that believers set aside a certain amount each week and give it to the church until he arrived to take it on to Jerusalem. Paul had planned to go straight to Corinth from Ephesus, but he changed his mind (2 Corinthians 1 and 2). When he finally arrived, he took the gift and delivered it to the Jerusalem church (Acts 21 and 24). 
   Paul was sending Timothy ahead to Corinth. Paul respected Timothy and had worked closely with him (Philippians 2; 1 Timothy 1). Although Timothy was young, Paul encouraged the Corinthian church to welcome him because he was doing the Lord’s work. God’s work is not limited by age. Paul wrote two personal letters to Timothy ( 1 and 2 Timothy). 
   Apollos, who had preached in Corinth, was doing evangelistic work in Greece (Acts 18; 1 Corinthians 3). Apollos didn’t go to Corinth right away, partly because he knew of the factions there and didn’t want to cause any more divisions. 
   As the Corinthians awaited Paul’s next visit, they were directed to 1) be on their guard against spiritual dangers, 2) stand firm in the faith, 3) be courageous, 4) be strong, and 5) do everything with kindness and in love. Today, as we wait for the return of Christ, we should follow the same instructions.